Sunday, 31 August 2008
Here are a list of photographers I have found to start looking at and decide over:
Courtney Ltd - Registered Office
Courtenay Photographic Ltd Mr Courtenay Hitchcock 15 Manston Road Sturminster NewtonDorset DT10 1AF
T + 44 (0) 1258 473671 M + 44 (0) 7770 227492
Also includes a pre-wedding engagement shoot. This is usually 5-6 weeks before the wedding. I have saved the price list in wedding folder on my laptop.
A2 Photography T 01202 827 999 M 07721 002 515 Email:
I like the style of. Costs are on the website.
Bella West Photography 16 Bimport Shaftesbury Dorset SP7 8AX United Kingdom
+44 (0)1747 855626+44 (0)7974 663140 (Mobile)
Anne Edwards
Contact Details
Phone:07974 722 394 Address:28 Church Road, Shillingstone, Blandford,
Belbin Photos – 01308 898094 or mobile 07963 705033
3 Myrtle Close, Puncknowle, Dorchester, Dorset DT2 9EH
Philip Ledwith Photography
The Cottage, Lower Fifehead Farm
Fifehead St. Quinton
Sturminster Newton
Dorset DT10 2AP
Telephone: 01258 818384
Mobile: 07795 420965
Carpe Diem - Contemporary Wedding photography from Photoart by Martin Crabtree Email: Tel. 07854 140 471
Nickie Westlake Photography -
T: 07966 287679 or on 01202 233290 Email:
not sure she will cover our are would need to call. but she has 3 packages rangeing from £450 to £895 and travel upto 50 miles is included in the packages.
Going to try and sit down with my Fiance Dave to have a look through the links and make a decision and also see which Photographer MIL likes the best.
The two photographers that have caught my eye so far whilst finding these links are A2 photography and Courtney Ltd. Both recomended by The Coppleridge Inn.
Saturday, 30 August 2008

Friday, 29 August 2008
I Emailed Wentworth Pewter a company I found who do Tankards and asked them bout costs for if I bought a Standard 1 pint capacity pewter tankard with classic double lines pattern Height: 115mm costing 17 pounds and had our Monogramme engraved into it and a thankyou for being our best man speech engraved to would cost and this is what he emailed back -
Hi TraceyMany thanks for your enquiry.We would be delighted to engrave some tankards for you as per the monogramme design you sent us.The cost would be £5.00 per tankard plus a one-off £30.00 charge for originating the artwork into the correct file for engraving.If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us. Regards Richard AbdyWentworth Pewter
Going to have more of a browse and see if theres any better prices out there before makeing a decision.

Been doing a search on the Internet to see if I can find anywhere in the UK that sells the Pretty Princess pendant but not having much luck. I posted the pic on Wedding Announcers Forum and one of the members Alison is being so kind she is looking into the shipping costs for me to have it sent to hers then sent to me as the postage directly from the shop is really expensive.
Anyway whilst searching the Net I came across Tankards which can come in either Glass or Pewter and can be engraved on with a special message. I thought this would be great for kip who's our Best Man, he loves Cider and when I saw them he sprang to mind. Wondering if we could get our monogram engraved on with a message saying Thankyou For Being Best Man.
Thursday, 28 August 2008

Pendant measures a generous 1 3/4" in diameter and features Genuine Austrian Crystals.
Lead-free safe for children.
Beautifully packaged in keepsake crown gift box with lovely poem to express loving sentiments.A unique gift for birthdays, holiday, and more. Now every girl can feel like a princess!

3. Let chocolate cool before popping out of the molds (figure B). Use the edge of a knife to remove any extra bits of chocolate.
5. Place several chocolates in a glassine sleeve; fold over the top edge of the sleeve.
7. Layer the tag over the glassine sleeve. Fold a ribbon in half, thread the looped end through both holes and loop the tails back through the folded loop (figure D). Trim ribbon ends on an angle.
Wednesday, 27 August 2008
Tuesday, 26 August 2008

Monday, 25 August 2008

been looking for the children's favours and thinking along the lines of soft sweets - like Jelly Babies, Dolly Mixtures, Wine Gums. Did think about Chocolate Eggs and skittles but they may be a bit hard. As for the container I was thinking plastic little money boxes so once the sweets have been eaten they can still be used. I have come across some some where so will have to find them then I'll post a piccy here.
I haven't as of yet decided on a place to get my favour confectionery but have plenty of time and I know Ebay yet again has good deals.

Ok so been relooking at favours and decided on using organza draw string bags, there are lots to choose from at fantastic prices on EBay and come in packs of 50 or 100. Its just a matter of choosing a colour bag that doesn't clash with the table clothes. So I was thinking of either a turquoise or white. Some come with various patterns on like stars and hearts so that is another thing to think about.

As for the confectionary I was thinking along the lines of either silver sugared Almonds or Silver Heart Chocolate Dragees.
Sunday, 24 August 2008

We both love the heart card below, but I like the idea of using my monogram some how. I like the writting layout of the card with the ribbon at the top. And we like the pocket butterfly card too. The Calla Lilly card would be nice in a blue ribbon down the side and would go with our theme as would the butterfly pocket card.
What ever we decide we need to enclose map, R.S.V.P and envelope along with the invite. Oh and also on the R.S.V.P we need to include some way of asking if they need a room to stay over.

Wednesday, 13 August 2008

Tuesday, 12 August 2008

Me and Dave love it, so now to encorperate it into our invites.
check out her blog she has done so many nice ones and custom makes them for a small fee -
can also modify look here -
Brianna wedding gown $499 USD = 260.638, Mikayla Wedding gown $399 USD = 208.406 The shipping is GBP 38.646 which I think is good.
Monday, 11 August 2008

Sunday, 10 August 2008
Bridesmaid, Maid of Honour, pageboy out fits, I'm not sure what to do were trying to keep the costs down as low as possible but I feel the costs are actually starting to esculate. Originally the plan was to get out fits that could be worn again to other special occasions that way it's not a total waste of money. I had found this really nice white dress with little embroiderd navey flowers on and a nice knitted cardigan that just come below the bust from Baby Gap, but I'm not sure what size my bridesmaide will need as it's a yr till the wedding. And for the boys I had found a nice set which was smart jeans, smart t-shirt and a knitted kinda pull over from woolworths. Thought haveing all three boys dressed the same would look so cute. Was just looking for a picture and came across they have Page Boy Tailcoat Set and Pinstripe Page Boy Suit for 20.00 pounds, so that is an idea. They don't seem to have the jeans set I was thinking about any more. Or the Dress and cardigan either.
Think waiting till closer to the day best option, but will keep my eyes open for ideas. have also found some nice patterns so could make the skirts myself so that's an option.
From Top left I'm thinking of have this Botton hole for the dads, ushers, and possibly the boys too. The Wand for my sister in laws daughter who I'm hoping to be my bridesmaid. There's another Wand in the pic below either side a bouquet she could hold. But I think I like this top one better. Then theres a Teddy which I'm thinking my youngest Connor can hold. I don't want him to feel left out he will only be coming up two yrs old at the time of our wedding so he will probably stay with a member of the family, where as my other two boys will be 3 and coming up 6.

Favours - I know are not a necessity and will only been done if we have some money left from our budget.
Originally I want to make the little box you can see in the picture with almonds in with either blue metallic stuff inside or paper shredding like in pictures – instructions here - Love the hexagon box favour boxes which you make your self. There is a list of bits you need and instructions. Code Box3C you can buy the bits on site. Total based on 58 guests = £35.23
for inside the favour boxes either -
Light Blue shredded tissue paper 25g approx at 99p or Pearl Light Blue deluxe iridescent polypropylene shreds 25g approx £1.99 need to look in to how many bags id have to buy.
If we don’t go for the Favour boxes we could use Organza bags which are really cheap on EBay. And would also be quick and easy to do and still be nice.

Idea for Table Centre Piece - Cylinder vase with a single Silk Calla Lillie in with some silver sparkle twisted twig. At the bottom of the vase use some Mystic Crystals which you add water too to add a crystal effect. Maybe add a little blue food die to give a hint of colour and around the vase tie a blue or silver ribbon round in a bow. As of yet I haven't done a prototype as I need to find the bits and get them in. I'm hoping I will be able to find a cheap pack of cylinda vases.
Below is a picture I found to give an idea of how I wanted them to look.

Got to speak with a collegue of his to double check my plan is ok and also get measurement for tables, stair rail and balcony rail so I an sort decorations out.
Along with this I'm thinking white napkins similar like picture. With my centre piece in the middle, name cards at each seat and some silver heart sequins scattered. Loving heart table confetti from wedding delights you get 14g bags for £1.25 so I’d need approx 4 bags totalling to £5