Monday, 24 November 2008

Also I have found the hairstyle I want too which is the second picture. So I'm going to try and chat to all the hairsalons and see what they will charge to do it and how long I need my hair to grow. It's about Shoulder length now. And I hope to get my highlights done again for the wedding to. Just need to look into the hair pins I would like and think something similar would be nice.

Also after trying and deciding on the dress I liked I decided the Tiara I bought doesn't really work to well. Its to blue. But my Sister In law Vicky has now given me a tough choice lol, as well as buying the Garter I fell in love with she picked up two Tiaras she fell in love with and they are stunning, absolutly gorgous. I'm going to take them with me on the next try on and see which looks best. I will upload some photos once my camera is charged.

Been looking at Jewellery again and here are some of my finds -
From the Top - Blue Butterfly Austrian Crystal Necklace Set $16.99 from Balloons Galore
2nd From the Top - Blues Pearl Butterfly Necklace & Earring Set $5.99 from Balloons Galore
Not sure if Balloon Galore will ship to the UK its something I would have to look into.
The Last Three photos are of Bridal Butterfly Clear Crystal Necklace Earrings S1077 from Ebay by a seller called my-giftshk Costing AU $12.99 and Postage AU $6.99 which will be less than this in UK pounds.
I like the 2nd set of Jewellery as it brings some blue back in to my personal look. And the blue is not to over powering. But I have seen a photo of a fellow member of a craft forum I have recently joined and shes wearing a similar dress to the one I want to get. And wearing this set in gold colour though but she got her daughter the silver set and said it was just as nice which is the colour I would want. It looks perfect size.
More rings I've found but still prefer the ones in the last post but these would fit better with my ring. The one in gold I would prefer in white gold and have some stones.