Monday, 24 November 2008

Monday, 17 November 2008

I think the last one would work best with my engagement ring as far as design goes. But think my fave would have to be fourth in from the top row. Or even second or last of top row. I'm thinking of showing these to some various Jewellers where you can design your own and see what they suggest and get some quotes. I'm looking at 3mm thickness and possibly one stone but small or Tiney.
Sunday, 16 November 2008

He likes the Top Left ring in the Picture above

He likes the Left and second in on the left of the rings above.
So I decided before ordering it in I'd go with SIL to try some Wedding dresses on in similar styles at her friends Shop, there wasn't an awful lot in a similar style and they only had one dress that had colour which if I wanted blue there was only a light blue. I did like the dress but rolled it out of my head as it was red and my colours are blue, silver and white so alot of my planning would have to change so the dress would look right.
Any way the first Dress I tried on was gorgous and even after trying lots more on I came back to it. Its Ella 5159. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face when I had it on and I felt so happy and confident, I think it looked perfect and my Fiance will be stunned in a good way.
The pictures dont do this dress justice but the detail is gorgous and silver so it fits with my theme still. It's a Strapless satin gown with asymmetrically draped midriff features silver embroidery and beading. Fabric colours available are Off-White and White Detail colour available is Silver Also available in plus sizes. It makes look so much slimmer and I seem to have dropped a couple of sizes which is fantastic too.
This dress costs £649 which is a little more that the Bonney Style one I liked. I'm still querying over whether to try and get the shop in Bath to order the Bonney one in for me to try as I don't want to feel I'm expected to buy it if. Though I do feel now the Ella wedding Dress is the one for me. Going in for another try on session in December because they have some more stock coming in and also for the Mumz to come in too and see what they think.
Tuesday, 11 November 2008
Wannabenurse from DIY Wedding forum was so kind in sending me a template for making my own and I have made a mock one up and in size is perfect and the covers can be made with one sheet of A4 card stock. and the invite and inserts I can print 2 to a sheet of A4 paper or card too. I showed Dave and though He likes it he said he would prefer having an envelope flap like the ones you can buy.
So putting my already mock one to the side I started to draw out a slightly smaller template but with the envelope edge as well so as it would still fit on A4 Card stock. Not to bad but think it may now be a bit too small to fit the invite in and inserts. I want to get some cardstock and paper in the wedding colours so I can really see whats best and see if it works for real and looks neat.
I think the small ones look cute but i dont think it can hold the info to go inside neatly but wont know till I try.
Also Cheque book Invites look quite nice, they only have Chocolate coloured ones on sale at Confetti and like the normal pocket invites its so difficult to find them in the UK.
The thing I really am trying to work out at the moment is is it going to be cheaper me making my own in the long run or am I better off buying ready made so it's a case of printing and putting together?
Also trying to work out what's the best card stock to use?.
Thursday, 6 November 2008

Monday, 3 November 2008
Below are the shoes my friend found on ebay by a seller called footwear-studio they are
BLUE & SILVER SATIN DIAMANTE WEDDING BRIDAL SHOES with a 3inch heel. costing 21.99 and p&p is 3.95 I think these are nice and will go with the dress im hoping to get.

The only thing is that my MIL pointed out was it may be too much blue jewellery. But going to try the dress on first before makeing finally decisions on Jewellery.
Sunday, 2 November 2008
So on with the planning :) My friend found some shoes and a necklace and ear rings on ebay which I like, I will up details in my next post.