He likes the Top Left ring in the Picture above

He likes the Left and second in on the left of the rings above.
And he said the Bottom ring and ring on the right that's standing on its side aren't bad.
He would like it to be silver in colour and not bothered in the type of metal as long as it's with in our budget which at the moment isn't really set for deffinant but we dont really want to be spending hundreds on them.
I'm struggling on my Wedding ring as I really don't like the Idea of a plain band that fits the shape of my engagement ring which is a 9ct cross over style with Topaz and silver stones. I like the Idea of it being simple, fit the shape of my engagement ring and be low in cost but unique and possibly with one stone. Have put a post on the Wedding Announcers Forum and hopeing some of the ladys may have some ideas or pics to share.
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